We are devoted to developing human potential. Our mission is to give leaders the tools necessary to lead with emotional intelligence, create innovative solutions, and make informed decisions that improve employee capability, create high-performing teams, and exceed customer expectations.



Knowledge Management

Knowledge management is the intentional process of defining, structuring, retaining, and sharing the knowledge and experience of employees within an organization. It is the process of creating, sharing, and applying knowledge to improve processes, outcomes, and practices by enabling organizations to capture, organize and leverage that knowledge to the greatest possible benefit. Ideally, it enables an Employee-generated Learning approach, which enables more experienced employees (whom we can refer to as “ subject matter experts ” or “SMEs”) to record and share their knowledge with other employees. Benefits include:

  • Enhances professional development and creates an efficient workplace - where every employee has access to relevant and up-to-date information and resources.

  • Increases efficiency & effectiveness - empowering them with deeper insights and understanding

  • Improved customer service - with better access to information, employees can provide better customer service.

  • Fosters innovation & creativity - with more information available to employees, they can be more creative and innovative in their work.

  • Better collaboration - with better access to information, employees can collaborate more effectively.

The effects of the pandemic on student reading have been widely documented. Recent studies find that children are severely behind in reading. New studies now show that about a third of children in the youngest grades are missing reading benchmarks, up significantly from before the pandemic. While the literacy crisis did not start with the pandemic, stagnant or declining performance in reading and widening gaps between high and low performers shows that it has been exacerbated by it. Reading, critical thinking skills, and writing are closely connected. Education Week notes that learning how to write well can make students better readers; when children are taught how to write complex sentences and compose different kinds of texts, their ability to read and understand a wider variety of writing improves.

Reading, critical thinking skills, and writing are closely connected. Learning how to write well can make students better readers; when children are taught how to write complex sentences and compose different kinds of texts, their ability to read and understand a wider variety of writing improves.[1] Many students find writing challenging and score poorly in this area on state achievement tests. Complete and accurate answers to these written responses require higher-order thinking skills. The correlation of student reading comprehension to open-ended essay questions is critical for educators in helping them to understand how reading comprehension affects students' writing performance and what interventions or strategies can improve both skills. Some studies have found a positive and significant correlation between reading comprehension and open-ended essay questions; students with higher reading comprehension tend to write better essays.

Our innovative technique can help improve student performance on achievement tests and reading comprehension.

[1] 3 Takeaways About the Connection Between Reading and Writing Instruction. https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/3-takeaways-about-the-connection-between-reading-and-writing-instruction/2023/02 Accessed 9/12/2023.

The Man Writing Series